Build your own MMX! (With a 3D printer)

The MMX Project has released a data file for a 1:48 scale model of the MMX spacecraft that can be printed with a 3D printer.  

The printed model is 1/48th the size of the actual MMX spacecraft. Each of the three spacecraft modules have been simplified and divided into parts that can be fabricated with a 3D printer. The model parts can be produced with a print area (build area) of 100mm x 100mm x 100mm, and compatible with a home 3D printer.

The final model can be separated into the three spacecraft modules (propulsion module, exploration module, return module), and there is also a stand.

We’d like to encourage everyone to try printing their own MMX spacecraft!

Download the data here:
(File format: STL)

Please see the usage policy [here].

An MMX model printed on a home 3D printer. The miniature car is for scale!